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 SeaTac Amateur Radio


Standard Business Net Operations



 Simplex Frequency Operations Net


(Two minutes or so before the net announce on the frequency)


There will be a STAR net in _5__ minutes. This is ___________. (Callsign)


(Time to Open Net)


Good evening, this is __________(Call Sign), Net Control station for the SeaTac Amateur Radio communications service known as STAR. My name is _______, and I am located at/in/near______________.


This net meets on Mondays at 2030 hours on a primary frequency of 147.58 MHz.


The purpose of STAR is to provide emergency communications for the city of SeaTac. The purpose of this net is to conduct STAR business, discuss public service activities, and provide training for the STAR emergency communication teams in SeaTac.


At this time is there any formal emergency or priority traffic for the net? (Break for 5 seconds or so)


            (Handle traffic and if none move on…If hearing no traffic, lead into checking into the net)


It is now time to check into the net this evening. Any business will be handled after check-in is complete.  


This is (Call Sign), net control for STAR now calling for check-ins and business from STAR members. Please come now with your calls. (Repeat twice for members / Call once for any visitors)

At this time are there any visitors listening that would like to check into the net tonight?


            (Record Calls. Place check by call/name, leave room to record notes) (Run net as round robin)


Thanks for joining tonight, let’s get started with the business portion of the net.

First order of business is to review SeaTac’s weekly Preparation Plan. This week it is covering – (title)

(When finished, go over any other STAR business if known. See business categories below. IF not skip to “Close”)


STAR Business Categories: (These are subject areas for discussion or ask on net for any input; your choice)


STAR Organization Updates (Highlights of what's going on, next meetings, etc.)


Equipment Status/Help Needed (Equipment status. Help needed or STAR needs help)


Special Notices/Information (Anything of special notice that doesn't fit in any where else)


Training (Training required, requested or needed, and status)


Help Wanted/Needed (Giving help to or from a STAR member; be it for STAR or personal)


Technical or Amateur Radio Questions/Concerns (Open for anyone that has special questions requirements that someone could help with or describe)


Public Service Communication and Status (Special notice of Fire Station news, activities, requirements, etc.)



(Closure Steps)

Having no additional business for the net, and before we close for this evening, are there any missed stations or visitors that would like to check in at this time?


            (Pause for Check-ins. Log in any additional check-ins)


And are there any final questions or comments for the net at this time?


            (Pause to take any traffic)


On behalf of the STAR members I would like to thank the other amateurs for giving us a clear frequency and I would like to thank everyone for participating. Please join us again next Monday night at this same time.


This is _______ now ending the STAR net for this week and returning the frequency to general use.


73 _______ clear.





SeaTac Amateur Radio Emergency Service


                        Weekly Net Roll Call                                     Revised: 11/12/2008

       Date__________                                                 Net Control_______________

Location_____________        Assisting___________   Net Control Next Week_____________

                                    E= Early            Check Mark = Check- ins         M = Mobile



________________                                        __________                                        Notes

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~~ID your call sign every 10 minutes~~       ~~Place completed Roll Call in radio cabinet~~